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Work Packages

Work Packages and Deliverables: Other Projects

WP1 Coordinating

In this work package we just ask you to keep the settled deadlines, and send back all neccessary informations in time. Pandokrator Ltd. will coordinate and if needed moderate the conversations between the partners.

Notebook & Pad

WP2 Soft Skills Toolkit

In this work package we will develop the Soft Skills Toolkit which can be used by our target groups in the future. It has two working parts, one is the national researches and report, and then the coordinator will make the summary report from all national reports. Including the main and common parts of them. Then this summary will be sent back to the partners for evaluation and comments. When all partners agree on the final report, then this WP is going to be available through the project website.

SoS Toolkit EN
SoS Toolkit HU

WP3 Guideline & supporting methods

Such in the Toolkit development this WP has also two levels of preparing. First the national reports, then the summary which has to be evaluated and commented by all partners to reach out to the final report.


- field research (workshops, focus groups, questionnaires, situation games, role plays, etc)

- desk research (internet, previous literature, EU guides, national specialties, public bodies)


Open Notebook
In the Classroom

WP4 Piloting

Piloting and testing the results of the WP2 and WP3. Trying them in reality, evaluating how it works.

In this WP please involve adult learners, especially from the 50+ ages. As mentors and coaches also your staff can play role, or also volunteers. Please be sure in each case that all mentors are familiar with the project and able to lead an other person for good.

The Piloting can start just after we agreed on both WP2 and WP3 and lasts…

WP5 Evaluation

The project work program will be prepared by the partners under the leadership of the coordinator prior to the first partner meeting, when it will be adopted. It will include, for each partner, 

- Work packages in which the partner is involved,
- Objectives to be attained
- Activities to be undertaken, with start and end dates 
- Concrete outputs for each activity 
- Mobilities to be undertaken and results and reports of each mobility

Reading Glasses
Business Meeting

WP6 Dissemination

This is your other projects section. It’s a great place to update your readers about previous projects you’ve done, or the onesThe aim of Dissemination WP is the dissemination of the objectives and results of the project to its target groups and to the wider LL community. 

The dissemination of the objectives, methodologies and results is going to be made throughout the project. At the beginning of the project, a dissemination strategy is going to be designed by all the partners together. Each partner will report regularly its dissemination activities to the coordinator.

WP7 Exploitation

Although it is not a must at a Grundtvig project to make a published product at the end, but as we will make the Toolkit and the Guideline we will also satisfy the criteria of a higher expectation.

The use of our products – even if we publish it only online – will be a help even for the national employment offices.

Teacher with Tablet
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Project Results

All project results are available on the website of the European Commission, Project Results site:

Work Packages and Deliverables: Conclusion

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Work Packages and Deliverables: Clients
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