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The Learning Partnership "Gaining and strengthening 'soft skills' for employment through models of supporting methods (peer coaching and mentoring)" gathers eight European partners from seven countries: Hungary, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Cyprus and Denmark.

The general objectives of the project are to face the challenge of growing elderly population and unemployment in Europe and to increase the number of adult learners in lifelong learning and mobilities.

The project's main objective is to develop learning tools and environments for strengthening 'soft skills' and models of supporting learning and training while connecting generations in order to increase employability and motivation for all ages.

The project addresses the lack of researches done on soft skills and related training methods (voluntary methods, such as peer coaching and mentoring) as well as online communities and workshops organized on these topics in Europe. The participants have understood the need for putting emphasis on soft skills for more quality and better results in their organizations. Therefore, the project aims at raising the awareness of the need for these skills and supportive models that incorporate best practices available for use by individuals, other organizations, enterprises and local, regional, national and European authorities. Furthermore, the researches and activities of the project are expected to be core elements for future cooperations in a so called knowledge triangle, something that is a priority of our organizations and the European Union. The main results are the development of a new learning process through two new products, the 'Soft Skills Toolkit' and the 'Guidelines for models of supporting methods (Peer Coaching and Mentoring)'. 

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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